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Gallo Mechanical is involved with some of the largest and most complicated construction projects in the Tyndall Rebuild Effort.

  • Lodging Facility – The new Sand Dollar Inn, slated for completion in Fall 2024, will be a modern five-story, sleek building. Amenities include laundry facilities, a restaurant, conference rooms and an additional 360 guest rooms with a lobby at the center of two symmetric east and west wings. Furthermore, the building is expected to withstand winds of 165mph and up to a Category 5 hurricane.
  • CE/LRS Operations and Maintenance Facilities – Collection of 8 maintenance and office buildings. Key facilities include an Engineer Maintenance Shop at 28,460 SF, Logistics Readiness Squadron buildings totaling over 300,000 SF such as a 90,375 SF Supply Warehouse, and over 250,000 SF of paved areas.
  • Tyndall and Air Gates Vehicle Inspection Stations – New vehicle entryways and checkpoints on either side of the base.
  • Chapel and Community Commons Buildings 1& 2 – a collection of 3 new buildings including a multi-faith worship center, and 2 community commons buildings featuring restaurants, a bowling alley, library and rec center.
  • WEG Hangar Facility – 96,000 sq ft aircraft maintenance hangar and maintenance shop for F-16 and E-9 aircrafts.

Recently completed projects