Why retrofit?
Retrofitting (replacing old plumbing fixtures with new/modern water-saving ones) is a simple way to save water, energy and money. Unless your facility was built after 1994, you probably have pre-conservation era water-guzzling plumbing. The National Energy Protection Act (NEPA) of 1994 mandated the use of water-saving plumbing fixtures. EPA WaterSense-labeled fixtures are up to 20 percent more water efficient than standard installations.
The law requires the replacement of all non-water conserving plumbing fixtures, as defined, in commercial properties built prior to 1994 with water-conserving fixtures by either 2017 or 2019, depending on the type of property. After 1994, all new construction was required to have compliant fixtures
Retrofit upon change of use
All existing commercial, industrial or institutional structures at the time of change of use shall be retrofitted, if not already so equipped, with low-water-use plumbing fixtures. These fixtures shall be installed and maintained and shall not be replaced with fixtures which allow greater water use.
Retrofit upon expansion of use
All commercial, institutional, and industrial reconstruction, remodels or additions that add or change bathroom plumbing fixtures shall include low-water-use plumbing fixture standards for the entire facility, including retrofitting of existing plumbing fixtures.